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Vilma immigrated from Guatemala in 1982, during a time of turmoil identified as the “Guatemalan Silent Holocaust”, where the brutal military repression against the civil population reached genocidal levels. Once in Toronto, she attended an early childhood education program offered at George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology where she graduated as one of the best students in her class. Vilma is a Registered Early Childhood Educator in good standing with the College of Professional ECEs and her passion for interacting with children of diverse backgrounds has kept her working in this field for over 33 years. Her love for the Spanish language motivated her to teach Spanish for several years to children of various ages who were attending the Toronto District School Board. As a volunteer at the San Lorenzo community, she has been closely involved in a broad range of initiatives including the well-known humanitarian project, the Caravan of Hope, where she drove a school bus down to Guatemala. Likewise, Vilma volunteered with the first Spanish speaking community radio station, CHHA 1610 AM, Radio Voces Latinas where she remained as the host of the “Guatemala for Everyone” (Guatemala para Todos) radio program from 2005 to 2020. With an optimistic mind and a clear focus on social responsibility, Ms. Cáceres has also served as a Warden of the Church of St. Laurence.